A Pre-Valentine Success Story

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“Jane” visited us for a free consultation a long time ago, but she wasn’t quite prepared at the time. I advised her to pursue a healthier life style and lose a few pounds in the process. Six months later, she came back to us 15 pounds lighter and signed on for a package to meet …

Keep Calm and Feel the Love

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I’ve always advised my clients that it’s better to be happily single than to be mired in a bad relationship. There are many marvelous benefits to being single, and you should take full advantage of these opportunities, which includes dating, picking up new hobbies, and exploring your passions—all of which prepare you for the day …

Focus on big picture for marital bliss

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A good friend of mine recently got married. Although she moved in with him after the first month of their relationship, they both agreed that rushing into a marriage was not a good idea, so they lived together and got to know each other well for five years before tying the knot. During this time, …