At what point should I stop seeing other people and make the relationship exclusive?

On the first date, don’t talk about commitment, marriage or kids. Just focus on enjoying the excitement of a first date and getting to know someone new. If you decide that you want to invest in a second date, you can explore more common interests and do things together.

At this point you want to keep meeting people and keep your options open. Take some time to get to know the other person and for them to get to know us. Don’t rush into an exclusive relationship with someone you barely know. You could end up with someone who is not quite a shipwreck, but also not shipshape enough to spend your life together.

When you find yourself seeing the same person more than once a week for several weeks, then you can look at your ideal partner list and see how many boxes you can tick off. It’s important that you write it down, even if it changes over time.

The chemistry that we all yearn for doesn’t always happen on a first date. Sometimes it takes weeks, or months. However, if either one of you is not ready to make plans for a future together, then it’s time to move on. Be patient. Focus on taking something positive away from each relationship and becoming a better person.