Attraction Tool: Body Posture

In the process of finding love, you must first love yourself. To love yourself, you must love both your mind and your body. To love your body, you must have good body posture, because bad posture influences your entire body, making your muscles, bones, nerves and all organs suffer.

Why do you need good body posture to find love?

Because when you have good posture, it helps your body function more efficiently. When you inhale oxygen, it first goes to your lungs, then to heart, finally into your blood (which distributes the oxygen.) Oxygen is essential for each one of our cells. Each time you want to talk or make a move, the thought originates in your mind, moving as an electric impulse passing between cell membranes along the nerves, then finally moving the muscles. Muscles work by contracting and releasing as they move the skeleton. Imagine that every cell needs 100% of your oxygen but you are only able to give it 80% of its needs. By having good posture, oxygen can flow to your head easier, and the happy hormone {endorphin} can more easily move from your head to your body.

We don’t attract who we want, but we attract who we are. (We normally want to be with someone who has something that we want.) Carrying a healthy body and good spirit makes you happy. You can only find happiness by being a happy person who is then able to attract someone happy to build a happy relationship.

Also, when each of us (both men and women) keep our head up, back straight, and shoulders back, men will look more masculine by showing the chest more and women will look more feminine by showing more of the woman’s body curves. In terms of attraction, sexy means “the gender difference.” The more difference you can show, the more you can attract the opposite sex by using your body shape.

My True Story: 

If you look at my photo from many years ago, my face is more round and my lower chin is shortened. It appears this way because when I slump, my lower jaw retracts and the muscles contract, creating a stress that makes my lymphatic system stay on. My Chinese doctor, Dr. Grace Wu, she helped me to correct the problem. When I asked her how I could do improvements myself, she showed me exactly what to do. I was amazed that the postures that she recommended were exactly as some yoga poses. That’s when I started to practice yoga. Yoga is now part of my daily routine, practiced during the quiet moments that I use to plan my day.

Try to observe people on the street or at the office. Do you notice that the people who have bad posture also tend to start conversations negatively such as “I don’t”, “BUT”, “The problem is”. What you may also notice is that they usually have a round face compared with the people who have good body posture.