*I was on the MTR the other day when I noticed a gentleman glancing my way a few times. He came over and introduced himself and gave me his business card. He was dressed casually. When I returned to my office, I looked at his card and saw that his office was also nearby.

When we decided to meet, he suggested dinner, but I counter-offered drinks instead, not wishing him to spend too much for a first meeting. When I arrived, a tall, handsome man impeccably dressed in a business suit greeted me. He had already ordered drinks for us, and when I arrived at the table, he stood up as a gentleman would.

The place had Ping Pong and Pool tables. He said he is good at Ping Pong but terrible at pool. I love playing pool but I told myself to try Ping Pong, so I can learn something new and let him shine. We had a lot of fun.

In the matchmaking process, sometimes clients decline a potential match because the image does not represent their “ideal”. My suggestion is to be open-minded and give yourself and the other person a chance. On the other hand, putting some thought and effort into your wardrobe will create a great first impression that can only enhance your chances.