*One day after work, I went out to have a drink to relax and reward myself after a long week. I found this place inside the LKSF Hotel which has a pool table. I looked around and there were all these cool looking guys. My female clients say they are looking for boyfriends; maybe they are looking in the wrong places.

Since then, I have been going out to play pool almost every night. And I will usually ask my last appointment to go with me. You know what? Regardless of her age or level of attractiveness, guys always come over and play pool with us, give us a few pointers, and even exchange contacts.

I did some research and found that 99% of my male clients play, and some even have a pool table at home. But most of my female clients don’t know how to play. I started to teach them some basics, and now they are very popular. We find that this game of pool is a natural ice-breaker when guys and girls first meet. Guys who are normally shy are keen to teach the girls, and they can quickly build chemistry through playing and learning. Rachael and Smith Matchmakers have even created a Pool Coaching and Networking Membership.

This membership includes four 1-1 professional coaching sessions which should be enough for you to learn the basics and more. You can still let guys teach you at the table, but they’ll be impressed by how quickly you pick up everything.

Once you know the basics, we will invite you to join the Pool Networking Events.

I am amazed that so many guys play so well. This is a very sociable game and a lady can look beautiful and elegant while playing. I would be happy to tell you more in person or by phone or invite you to come out and play to see if you find it as interesting as I do.

(Click here to learn more about our membership. )