Ever wonder how some guys get and stay so fit? Here are a few real-life examples:

45-year-old American banker, 185cm.
I was sipping my glass of wine, and he was drinking a can of coke zero. He told me that he is aiming to lose another 5kg. I looked at him and said, “I can only see skin and muscles on your body, where’s the fat?” He said, “To keep a good body shape, I only eat rocket salad and egg white for breakfast. For lunch, poached salmon and steamed broccoli, and normally, I don’t take dinner.”

47-year-old Pilot, 183cm.
“How do you maintain fitness without doing much exercise?” I asked.

“I will skip all meals one day per week. Our body is not designed to eat 3 meals per day,” he replied.

Bank regional director, French Canadian, 184cm.
I thought I was already very disciplined by waking up every day at 6 am, working out at the gym from 7-8 am, and starting my day at the office at 9 am. Mr. C said he goes to bed by 9:30 pm, wakes up at 4:45 am then heads to the gym by 5-6 am. He takes his breakfast at around 6:30 am and arrives at the office at 7:30 am. During his lunch hour, he eats a can of tuna and goes to the gym again. He explained, “I want to set a good example for my peers. Also, going to the gym alleviates my stress.”

All of them are single men looking for women who are also relatively fit that share the same healthful mindset.