Attraction Tool: Body Posture 01

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Attraction Tool: Body Posture In the process of finding love, you must first love yourself. To love yourself, you must love both your mind and your body. To love your body, you must have good body posture, because bad posture influences your entire body, making your muscles, bones, nerves and all organs suffer. Why do …

Facial Care for Men: Eyes

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Facial Care for Men: Eyes  The essential skincare products every man should have 1. Eye Cream Skin is your body’s largest organ. It covers and protects your body like a coat. The epidermis is reasonably thick on certain parts of the body, like the soles of your feet and palms of your hands, but it …

Your First impression matters

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  Dear Gentlemen, You only have one chance to make a first impression. Hair is one of the first things people will notice. If it’s dirty and/or messy, they may draw undesirable conclusions about your character. Try to: 1. Have a regular haircut at least once a month. Schedule on the first Monday or last …