Nowadays, most of us are communicating through text messages rather than actual phone calls, especially when we first interact with a new friend. It is very important that we are mindful of our language and the “voice” we use.

In non-business communication, you can use a more informal or relaxed tone, but you should keep it courteous above all else. More mature ladies and gentlemen may be more “old school” and prefer writing in fuller sentences. Younger Millennials may prefer fewer words and more emojis. Some people don’t like ALL CAPITALS, and some hate excessive exclamation marks!!!! The key is to take note of the texting style of your friend and try to emulate it. Just like in face-to-face conversation, if you speak in a style and tone that is similar to your conversation partner, he/she will feel closer to you.

It’s not fair, especially if your first language is not English, but some people judge you by your text messages. To make a better impression, turn on your phone’s auto-correct to catch unnecessary typos, and always double check before hitting the send button.