*One evening, Rene and Gilbert decided to have a drink and play a couple of games of pool. Rene was running late, and when she arrived, she found Gilbert playing with Bo (who looked like she already had a few drinks), Marcus, and Michelle. It so happens that they all work for the same financial institution.

As soon as Rene arrived, Gilbert invited her to play doubles, which was very gentlemanly of him. During the game, Bo suddenly kissed Gilbert. Now Rene is a confident lady, and instead of protesting that she is Gilbert’s girlfriend, she gazed at the pool table mapping out how to help him win the game. When it was her turn, Rene asked Gilbert what she would get if she made the shots. A kiss? On the lips? He really likes her but he also has to be respectful of his colleagues, including Bo. After Rene potted two amazing shots to win the game, he gave her a deep passionate kiss. Bo got the message.

If your partner is desirable, other people will have their eyes on him/her. Stay cool and show confidence in yourself and in your partner. Playing pool helps you focus and stay cool under pressure, and it will pay off one day.