Pool Coaching and Networking

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*One day after work, I went out to have a drink to relax and reward myself after a long week. I found this place inside the LKSF Hotel which has a pool table. I looked around and there were all these cool looking guys. My female clients say they are looking for boyfriends; maybe they …

Be open-minded

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*I was on the MTR the other day when I noticed a gentleman glancing my way a few times. He came over and introduced himself and gave me his business card. He was dressed casually. When I returned to my office, I looked at his card and saw that his office was also nearby. When …

The politics of buying (and accepting) a drink at the bar

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Gentlemen, when you meet someone at one of our networking events at a bar, introduce yourself and start the conversation with some chit-chat. Offer to buy her a drink if she doesn’t already have one, or if she already has one, you can offer to get her a new one. It is the easiest way …

Are you game?

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I recently fell in love with playing pool. It’s a very social game, and it’s fun to learn. More importantly though, learning something new, even if it’s just a hobby, keeps those brain cells active, and shows you are passionate about life. There is a great bar in LKF Hotel that has three pool tables. …

Personal journeys of fitness and health

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Ever wonder how some guys get and stay so fit? Here are a few real-life examples: 45-year-old American banker, 185cm. I was sipping my glass of wine, and he was drinking a can of coke zero. He told me that he is aiming to lose another 5kg. I looked at him and said, “I can …

Bra Expert

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In my 13 plus years as a professional matchmaker, I have earned a reputation as a Bra Expert. In my experience, I have found that many of our female clients are wearing the wrong bra type, which not only adversely affects their body posture but also how their outfits look. Below are some suggestions on …

Find the perfect eyebrow shape

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Eyebrows are one of our most prominent facial features because of the many functions they perform. They help accentuate the eyes, shape the face, and can even give you a more youthful appearance. To achieve an aesthetically-pleasing look, eyebrows should be routinely trimmed, shaped, and filled. Below is a brief guide to shaping the perfect brow. 1. …

Hot wife healthy recipes: Beef Bolognese

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The ingredients for beef Bolognese and mixed vegetable soup are almost identical: Tomato Celery Mushrooms Bell peppers Carrots Pepper Garlic Onion Green olive Procedure: Chop all of them, slow cook for two hours until it looks creamy. Other Suggestions: If you love a fancy beef Bolognese, add some good quality wagyu minced beef; if not, …

The 6 -day Mental Diet Challenge: How to change your body in 6 days

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Starting immediately, for the next 6 days, commit yourself to taking full control of all your mental and emotional faculties with a juice detox program. You will see a huge difference in your skin and body after just 6 days. RULES: Breakfast: Eat all you want Exercise Starting from 11am, consume a bottle of juice every 2 hours Suggest that you buy your Juice Cleanse Detox pack from …

Hot Wife Diet: You are what you eat.

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To be fit and healthy, you need to fill your body with good, nutritious food. With the ubiquity of fast food restaurants in Hong Kong, it’s easy to give in to the temptation of ease and convenience over quality. Today, I would like to introduce you to Genie Juicery – a one-stop destination for all things …